This article shares some Scala example codes to explain how to replace Null values in DataFrame/Dataset.
Note: As per the the code and API for org.apache.spark.sql, DataFrame is basically Dataset[Row].
So in the future, we are always checking the code or API for Dataset when researching on DataFrame/Dataset.
Dataset has an Untyped transformations named "na" which is DataFrameNaFunctions:
1 | def na : DataFrameNaFunctions |
DataFrameNaFunctions has methods named "fill" with different signatures to replace NULL values for different datatype columns.
Let's create a sample Dataframe firstly as the data source:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType, DoubleType, LongType, BooleanType} val simpleData = Seq(Row( "Jim" , "" , "Green" , 33333 , 3000.12 , 19605466456 L, true ), Row( "Tom" , "A" , "Smith" , 44444 , 4000.45 , 19886546456 L, null ), Row( "Jerry " , null , "Brown" , null , 5000.67 , null , false ), Row( "Henry " , "B" , "Jones" , 66666 , null , 20015464564 L, true ) ) val simpleSchema = StructType(Array( StructField( "firstname" ,StringType, true ), StructField( "middlename" ,StringType, true ), StructField( "lastname" ,StringType, true ), StructField( "zipcode" , IntegerType, true ), StructField( "salary" , DoubleType, true ), StructField( "account" , LongType, true ), StructField( "isAlive" , BooleanType, true ) )) val df = spark.createDataFrame(spark.sparkContext.parallelize(simpleData),simpleSchema) |
Data source and its schema look as below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | scala> df.printSchema() root |-- firstname : string (nullable = true ) |-- middlename : string (nullable = true ) |-- lastname : string (nullable = true ) |-- zipcode : integer (nullable = true ) |-- salary : double (nullable = true ) |-- account : long (nullable = true ) |-- isAlive : boolean (nullable = true ) scala> df.show() +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ |firstname|middlename|lastname|zipcode| salary| account|isAlive| +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ | Jim| | Green| 33333 | 3000.12 | 19605466456 | true | | Tom| A| Smith| 44444 | 4000.45 | 19886546456 | null | | Jerry | null | Brown| null | 5000.67 | null | false | | Henry | B| Jones| 66666 | null | 20015464564 | true | +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ |
1. Replace Null in ALL numeric columns.
Here it includes ALL IntegerType, DoubleType and LongType columns.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | scala> df.na.fill( 0 ).show() +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ |firstname|middlename|lastname|zipcode| salary| account|isAlive| +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ | Jim| | Green| 33333 | 3000.12 | 19605466456 | true | | Tom| A| Smith| 44444 | 4000.45 | 19886546456 | null | | Jerry | null | Brown| 0 | 5000.67 | 0 | false | | Henry | B| Jones| 66666 | 0.0 | 20015464564 | true | +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ |
2. Replaces Null in specified numeric columns.
For example, include only the numeric column named "account".
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | scala> df.na.fill( 0 ,Array( "account" )).show() +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ |firstname|middlename|lastname|zipcode| salary| account|isAlive| +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ | Jim| | Green| 33333 | 3000.12 | 19605466456 | true | | Tom| A| Smith| 44444 | 4000.45 | 19886546456 | null | | Jerry | null | Brown| null | 5000.67 | 0 | false | | Henry | B| Jones| 66666 | null | 20015464564 | true | +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ |
3. Replace Null in ALL string columns.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | scala> df.na.fill( "" ).show() +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ |firstname|middlename|lastname|zipcode| salary| account|isAlive| +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ | Jim| | Green| 33333 | 3000.12 | 19605466456 | true | | Tom| A| Smith| 44444 | 4000.45 | 19886546456 | null | | Jerry | | Brown| null | 5000.67 | null | false | | Henry | B| Jones| 66666 | null | 20015464564 | true | +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ |
4. Replace Null in ALL boolean columns.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | scala> df.na.fill( true ).show() +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ |firstname|middlename|lastname|zipcode| salary| account|isAlive| +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ | Jim| | Green| 33333 | 3000.12 | 19605466456 | true | | Tom| A| Smith| 44444 | 4000.45 | 19886546456 | true | | Jerry | null | Brown| null | 5000.67 | null | false | | Henry | B| Jones| 66666 | null | 20015464564 | true | +---------+----------+--------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ |
Note: Here is the Complete Sample Code.
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