This article explains the detailed steps on how to mount a PersistentVolume for Static Provisioning using MapR Container Storage Interface(CSI) in Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE).Env:
MapR 6.1 (secured)MapR CSI 1.0.0
Kubernetes Cluster in GKE
Use Case:
We have a secured MapR Cluster (v6.1) and want to expose the storage to applications running in a Kubernetes cluster(GKE in this example).In this example, we plan to expose a MapR volume named "mapr.apps" (mounted as /apps) to a sample POD in Kubernetes Cluster.
Inside the POD, it will be mounted as /mapr instead.
1. Create a Kubernetes cluster named "standard-cluster-1" in GKE
You can use GUI or gcloud commands.2. Fetch the credentials for the Kubernetes cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials standard-cluster-1 --zone us-central1-aAfter that, make sure "kubectl cluster-info" returns correct cluster information.
This step is to make kubectl work and connect to the correct Kubernetes cluster.
3. Bind cluster-admin role to Google Cloud user
kubectl create clusterrolebinding user-cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=xxx@yyy.comNote: "xxx@yyy.com" is the your Google Cloud user.
Here we grant cluster admin role to the user to avoid any permission error in the next step when we create MapR CSI ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding.
4. Download MapR CSI Driver custom resource definition
Please refer to the latest documentation: https://mapr.com/docs/home/CSIdriver/csi_downloads.htmlgit clone https://github.com/mapr/mapr-csi cd ./mapr-csi/deploy/kubernetes/ kubectl create -f csi-maprkdf-v1.0.0.yamlBelow Kubernetes objects are created:
namespace/mapr-csi created serviceaccount/csi-nodeplugin-sa created clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/csi-nodeplugin-cr created clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/csi-nodeplugin-crb created serviceaccount/csi-controller-sa created clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/csi-attacher-cr created clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/csi-attacher-crb created clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/csi-controller-cr created clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/csi-controller-crb created daemonset.apps/csi-nodeplugin-kdf created statefulset.apps/csi-controller-kdf created
5. Verify the PODs/DaemonSet/StatefulSet are running under namespace "mapr-csi"
PODs:$ kubectl get pods -n mapr-csi -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES csi-controller-kdf-0 5/5 Running 0 5m58s xx.xx.xx.1 gke-standard-cluster-1-default-pool-aaaaaaaa-1111 <none> <none> csi-nodeplugin-kdf-9gmqc 3/3 Running 0 5m58s xx.xx.xx.2 gke-standard-cluster-1-default-pool-aaaaaaaa-2222 <none> <none> csi-nodeplugin-kdf-qhhbh 3/3 Running 0 5m58s xx.xx.xx.3 gke-standard-cluster-1-default-pool-aaaaaaaa-3333 <none> <none> csi-nodeplugin-kdf-vrq4g 3/3 Running 0 5m58s xx.xx.xx.4 gke-standard-cluster-1-default-pool-aaaaaaaa-4444 <none> <none>DaemonSet:
$ kubectl get DaemonSet -n mapr-csi NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE NODE SELECTOR AGE csi-nodeplugin-kdf 3 3 3 3 3 <none> 8m58sStatefulSet:
$ kubectl get StatefulSet -n mapr-csi NAME READY AGE csi-controller-kdf 1/1 9m42s
6. Create a test namespace named "testns" for future test PODs
kubectl create namespace testns
7. Create a Secret for MapR ticket
7.a Logon MapR Cluster, and locate the ticket file using "maprlogin print" or generate a new ticket file using "maprlogin password".For example, here we are using "mapr" user's ticket file located at /tmp/maprticket_5000.
7.b Convert the ticket into base64 representation and save the output.
cat /tmp/maprticket_5000 | base647.c Create a YAML file named "mapr-ticket-secret.yaml" for the Secret named "mapr-ticket-secret" in namespace "testns".
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: mapr-ticket-secret namespace: testns type: Opaque data: CONTAINER_TICKET: CHANGETHIS!Note: "CHANGETHIS!" should be replaced by the output we saved in step 7.b. Make sure it is in a single line.
7.d Create this Secret.
kubectl create -f mapr-ticket-secret.yaml
8. Change the GKE default Storage Class
This is because GKE default Storage Class is named "standard".If we do not change it, in the next steps, it will automatically create a new PV bound to our PVC.
8.a Confirm the default Storage Class is named "standard" in GKE.
$ kubectl get storageclass -o yaml apiVersion: v1 items: - allowVolumeExpansion: true apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: annotations: storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true" creationTimestamp: "2019-12-04T19:38:38Z" labels: addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode: EnsureExists kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true" name: standard resourceVersion: "285" selfLink: /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/storageclasses/standard uid: ab77d472-16cd-11ea-abaf-42010a8000ad parameters: type: pd-standard provisioner: kubernetes.io/gce-pd reclaimPolicy: Delete volumeBindingMode: Immediate kind: List metadata: resourceVersion: "" selfLink: ""8.b Create a YAML file named "my_storage_class.yaml" for Storage Class named "mysc".
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: name: mysc provisioner: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer8.c Create the Storage Class.
kubectl create -f my_storage_class.yaml8.d Verify both Storage Classes.
$ kubectl get storageclass NAME PROVISIONER AGE mysc kubernetes.io/no-provisioner 8s standard (default) kubernetes.io/gce-pd 8h8.e Change default Storage Class to "mysc".
kubectl patch storageclass mysc -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}' kubectl patch storageclass standard -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"false"}}}'8.f Verify both Storage Classes again.
$ kubectl get storageclass NAME PROVISIONER AGE mysc (default) kubernetes.io/no-provisioner 2m3s standard kubernetes.io/gce-pd 8h
9. Create a YAML file named "test-simplepv.yaml" for PersistentVolume (PV) named "test-simplepv"
apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: test-simplepv namespace: testns labels: name: pv-simplepv-test spec: storageClassName: mysc accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete capacity: storage: 1Gi csi: nodePublishSecretRef: name: "mapr-ticket-secret" namespace: "testns" driver: com.mapr.csi-kdf volumeHandle: mapr.apps volumeAttributes: volumePath: "/apps" cluster: "mycluster.cluster.com" cldbHosts: "mycldb.node.internal" securityType: "secure" platinum: "false"Make sure the CLDB host can be accessed by the Kubernetes Cluster nodes.
And also the PV is using our own Storage Class "mysc".
Create the PV:
kubectl create -f test-simplepv.yaml
10. Create a YAML file named "test-simplepvc.yaml" for PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) named "test-simplepvc"
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: test-simplepvc namespace: testns spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 1GCreate the PVC:
kubectl create -f test-simplepvc.yamlRight now, the PVC should be in "Pending" status which is fine.
$ kubectl get pv -n testns NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE test-simplepv 1Gi RWO Delete Available mysc 11s $ kubectl get pvc -n testns NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE test-simplepvc Pending mysc 11s
11. Create a YAML file named "testpod.yaml" for a POD named "testpod"
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: testpod namespace: testns spec: securityContext: runAsUser: 5000 fsGroup: 5000 containers: - name: busybox image: busybox args: - sleep - "1000000" resources: requests: memory: "2Gi" cpu: "500m" volumeMounts: - mountPath: /mapr name: maprcsi volumes: - name: maprcsi persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: test-simplepvcCreate the POD:
kubectl create -f testpod.yaml
After that, both PV and PVC should be "Bound":
$ kubectl get pvc -n testns NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE test-simplepvc Bound test-simplepv 1Gi RWO mysc 82s $ kubectl get pv -n testns NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE test-simplepv 1Gi RWO Delete Bound testns/test-simplepvc mysc 89s
12. Logon the POD to verify
kubectl exec -ti testpod -n testns -- bin/shThen try to read and write:
/ $ mount -v |grep mapr posix-client-basic on /mapr type fuse.posix-client-basic (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other) / $ ls -altr /mapr total 6 drwxrwxrwt 3 5000 5000 1 Nov 26 16:49 kafka-streams drwxrwxrwt 3 5000 5000 1 Nov 26 16:49 ksql drwxrwxrwx 3 5000 5000 15 Dec 4 17:10 spark drwxr-xr-x 5 5000 5000 3 Dec 5 04:27 . drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Dec 5 04:40 .. / $ touch /mapr/testfile / $ rm /mapr/testfile
13. Clean up
kubectl delete -f testpod.yaml kubectl delete -f test-simplepvc.yaml kubectl delete -f test-simplepv.yaml kubectl delete -f my_storage_class.yaml kubectl delete -f mapr-ticket-secret.yaml kubectl delete -f csi-maprkdf-v1.0.0.yaml
Common issues:
1. In step 4 when creating MapR CSI ClusterRoleBinding, it fails with below error message:user xxx@yyy.com (groups=["system:authenticated"]) is attempting to grant rbac permissions not currently heldThis is because Google Cloud user "xxx@yyy.com" does not have the permissions.
One solution is to do step 3 which is to grant cluster admin role to this user.
2. After PV and PVC are created, PVC is bound to a new PV named "pvc-...." instead of our PV named "test-simplepv".
For example:
$ kubectl get pvc -n testns NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE test-simplepvc Bound pvc-e9a0f512-16f6-11ea-abaf-42010a8000ad 1Gi RWO standard 16m $ kubectl get pv -n testns NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE pvc-e9a0f512-16f6-11ea-abaf-42010a8000ad 1Gi RWO Delete Bound mapr-csi/test-simplepvc standard 17m test-simplepv 1Gi RWO Delete AvailableThis is because GKE has a default Storage Class "standard" which can create a new PV bound to our PVC.
For example, we can confirm this using below command:
$ kubectl get pvc test-simplepvc -o=yaml -n testns apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: annotations: pv.kubernetes.io/bind-completed: "yes" pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller: "yes" volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-provisioner: kubernetes.io/gce-pd creationTimestamp: "2019-12-05T00:33:52Z" finalizers: - kubernetes.io/pvc-protection name: test-simplepvc namespace: testns resourceVersion: "61729" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/testns/persistentvolumeclaims/test-simplepvc uid: e9a0f512-16f6-11ea-abaf-42010a8000ad spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce dataSource: null resources: requests: storage: 1G storageClassName: standard volumeMode: Filesystem volumeName: pvc-e9a0f512-16f6-11ea-abaf-42010a8000ad status: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce capacity: storage: 1Gi phase: BoundOne solution is to do step 8 which is to change the GKE default Storage Class.
DaemonSet "csi-nodeplugin-kdf" has 3 kinds of containers:[csi-node-driver-registrar liveness-probe mapr-kdfplugin]
StatefulSet "csi-controller-kdf" has 5 kinds of containers:
[csi-attacher csi-provisioner csi-snapshotter liveness-probe mapr-kdfprovisioner]
So we can view all of the container logs to see if there is any error.
For example:
kubectl logs csi-nodeplugin-kdf-vrq4g -c csi-node-driver-registrar -n mapr-csi kubectl logs csi-nodeplugin-kdf-vrq4g -c liveness-probe -n mapr-csi kubectl logs csi-nodeplugin-kdf-vrq4g -c mapr-kdfplugin -n mapr-csi kubectl logs csi-controller-kdf-0 -c csi-provisioner -n mapr-csi kubectl logs csi-controller-kdf-0 -c csi-attacher -n mapr-csi kubectl logs csi-controller-kdf-0 -c csi-snapshotter -n mapr-csi kubectl logs csi-controller-kdf-0 -c mapr-kdfprovisioner -n mapr-csi kubectl logs csi-controller-kdf-0 -c liveness-probe -n mapr-csi
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