Thursday, May 14, 2015

Drill Workshop -- Persistent Configuration Storage


Drill 0.9


  • Drill stores persistent configuration data in a persistent configuration store (PStore).
  • This data is encoded in JSON or Protobuf format.
  • Drill can use the local file system, ZooKeeper, HBase, or MapR-DB to store this data. 


Know what is stored in PStore.
Know how to change PStore locations.


1. Zookeeper as PStore(Default)

The ZooKeeper PStore provider stores all of the persistent configuration data in ZooKeeper except for query profile data.
It is confirmed by:
(Before Drill 1.0)
> select * from sys.options where name = '';
|    name    |    kind    |    type    |   status   |  num_val   | string_val |  bool_val  | float_val  |
| | STRING     | BOOT       | BOOT       | null       | "" | null       | null       |
(Drill 1.0 or above version)
select * from sys.boot where name = '';

Zookeeper stores non-default sys.options, cluster id, storage plugins, semaphores, etc.
[zk] ls /drill
[sys.options, running, MyCluster-drillbits, semaphore, sys.storage_plugins]

[zk] get /drill/sys.options/exec.queue.small
  "name" : "exec.queue.small",
  "kind" : "LONG",
  "type" : "SYSTEM",
  "num_val" : 1
[zk] get /drill/sys.storage_plugins/hive
  "type" : "hive",
  "enabled" : true,
  "configProps" : {
    "hive.metastore.uris" : "thrift://"
SQL profile data is stored on each node under local directory "/opt/mapr/drill/drill-<version>/logs/profiles":
[root@h1 profiles]# pwd
[root@h1 profiles]# ls -altr
total 112
drwxrwxrwx 3 mapr root 4096 May 14 17:42 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapr mapr   20 May 14 17:52 .2aab2061-c1d7-ab52-ab20-7d7385c0fcbe.sys.drill.crc
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapr mapr 1379 May 14 17:52 2aab2061-c1d7-ab52-ab20-7d7385c0fcbe.sys.drill
You can also store all SQL profiles from all nodes on MapR-FS, so that the any Drill web UI can view any SQL profile.  To do this, set in drill-override.conf on all nodes, and restart all drillbits. 
# cat drill-override.conf
drill.exec: {
  cluster-id: "MyCluster-drillbits",
  zk.connect: ",,", "maprfs:///mydrill/"
After restarting drillbits, MapR-FS directory /mydrill/profiles should be created to hold all SQL profiles from all nodes.

2. MapR-DB as PStore

The MapR-DB Pstore will also include SQL profiles.
It is enabled by modifying drill-override.conf and restarting drillbits.
$ cat drill-override.conf
drill.exec: {
  cluster-id: "MyCluster-drillbits",
  zk.connect: ",,", {
     class: "",
     hbase: {
       table: "/tables/drill_store"
It is confirmed by:
(Before Drill 1.0) 
> select * from sys.options where name = '';
|    name    |    kind    |    type    |   status   |  num_val   | string_val |  bool_val  | float_val  |
| | STRING     | BOOT       | BOOT       | null       | "" | null       | null       |
(Drill 1.0 or above version)
select * from sys.boot where name = '';
Run some queries, and make sure the SQL profiles are stored in MapR-DB also.
hbase> get '/tables/drill_store', "profiles\x002aa9d18a-85b2-addf-cc80-df9b2d77cee0"
COLUMN                                                               CELL
 s:d                                                                 timestamp=1431711350588, value={"id":{"part1":3074218613535845855,

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