1. Master/Segment logs => Table
CREATE EXTERNAL WEB TABLE testbydba_ext ( logtime timestamp, loguser text, logdatabase text, logpid text, logthread text, loghost text, logport text, logsessiontime timestamp, logtransaction int, logsession text, logcmdcount text, logsegment text, logslice text, logdistxact text, loglocalxact text, logsubxact text, logseverity text, logstate text, logmessage text, logdetail text, loghint text, logquery text, logquerypos int, logcontext text, logdebug text, logcursorpos int, logfunction text, logfile text, logline int, logstack text ) EXECUTE E'cat /data/tmp/gpdb-2011-02-25_000000.csv' on master FORMAT 'CSV' (DELIMITER AS ',' NULL AS '' QUOTE AS '"');
create table testbydba as select * from testbydba_ext;For example:
select logtime,loguser,logdatabase,logsession,substr(logdebug,1,100) sqltext from testbydba where logseverity='ERROR' and logmessage='Out of memory' order by 1;
2. Utility Mode logon one segment/master
PGOPTIONS='-c gp_session_role=utility' psql
3. Print debug information for Gang allocating
When SQL fails with stacktrace when allocating gangs, use below parameter at session level to print more debug information.set gp_log_gang='debug';
4. Allow system table modification.
set allow_system_table_mods=dml;
5. Show memory requirement estimation.
set gp_resqueue_print_operator_memory_limits=on;For example:
db=# explain select * from test;
Gather Motion 2:1 (slice1; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..8.38 rows=219 width=226)
-> Seq Scan on test (cost=0.00..8.38 rows=219 width=226)
(2 rows)
db=# set gp_resqueue_print_operator_memory_limits=on;
db=# explain select * from test;
Gather Motion 2:1 (slice1; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..8.38 rows=219 width=226) (operatorMem=100KB)
-> Seq Scan on test (cost=0.00..8.38 rows=219 width=226) (operatorMem=100KB)
(2 rows)
6. Show deleted rows(before vacuum is run on that table)
set gp_select_invisible=on;
7. Check the status of the segments
echo "getStatus" | gp_primarymirror -h <segment_host> -p <segment_port>For example:
gpadmin@mdw $ echo "getStatus" | gp_primarymirror -h sdw1 -p 40004 mode: PrimarySegment segmentState: Ready dataState: InSync faultType: NotInitialized mode: PrimarySegment segmentState: Ready dataState: InSync faultType: NotInitialized
8. Workfile
set gp_workfile_caching_loglevel='LOG';
9. gptransfer example
gptransfer -t db.public.testbydb --dest-host=mdw --dest-port=48000 --source-host=smdw --source-port=4280 --source-map-file=mapfilemapfile is:
[gpadmin@smdw ~]$ cat mapfile sdw5, sdw6, sdw7, sdw8,
10. Execute SQL on each primary segment
PGOPTIONS='-c gp_session_role=utility' psql -d template1 -Atc "copy (select dbid, hostname, port from gp_segment_configuration where role = 'p' and content != -1) to stdout delimiter ' '" | while read dbid host port; do echo "echo DBID: $dbid" echo "PGOPTIONS='-c gp_session_role=utility' psql -h $host -p $port -d template1 -c 'select 1;'" done > test.sh
11. Clean temp schemas before gpcheckcat
psql -Atc "select datname from pg_database where datname != 'template0'" | while read a; do echo "check for ${a}";psql -Atc "select 'drop schema if exists ' || nspname || ' cascade;' from (select nspname from pg_namespace where nspname like 'pg_temp%' union select nspname from gp_dist_random('pg_namespace') where nspname like 'pg_temp%' except select 'pg_temp_' || sess_id::varchar from pg_stat_activity) as foo" ${a}; done
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